Established in 2012 the Innovators Huddle (formerly the Corporate Innovators Huddle) provides a forum focused on innovation from sharing information and exploring best practices to fostering new initiatives. The environments and organizations practicing various aspects of innovation can range from large corporations and public entities to private companies and start-ups.

The Innovators Huddle is a California-based non-profit with a number of activities organized by members on a voluntary basis.  


The focus of the Corporate Innovators Huddle is on the how of corporate innovation as opposed to sector-specific analysis of the what of corporate innovation.  To date, discussion has tended to focus on trends in innovation finance, innovation approaches and innovation culture.

Participation is designed for current practitioners of corporate innovation at large companies.  The Huddle is a loose affiliation of corporate innovators and corporate venture capitalists representing hundreds of companies from across geographies and sectors.  Participants’ roles range from corporate venture capital, internal venture, R&D, strategy and M&A.

The Huddle Working Groups


The Innovators Huddle serves as an umbrella organization.  It hosts the working groups of Huddle participants and it also hosts an annual conference, called “Innovation Unscripted”.

The Huddle Working Groups are: